Well, it's official that tomorrow is my last day at MS GTO (Microsoft Game Testing Organization). So, as of now, I have an orientation on Tuesday, and I start next Monday working on the Zune. Microsoft's version of the Ipod.

As far is this weekend's activities, I finally got out to Bremerton to visit James. He was throwing a Oktoberfest/house warming party. We sat around and enjoyed some home made beer and moonshine! Also I got to see all the work he has been doing on his and his parents' houses. He has been keeping buisy. removing chimneys, walls, and stairs... as well as adding windows, doors, and painting.
After the tour of his house, I slept over there, and we went to the Staircase camp site in the South East corner of Olympic National Park (at the northern end of Lake Cushman).

The car ran great all the way up there, and it was a fun and very scenic drive... although I must admit it was kinda rainy. But the car loved the curves on the road, and the rain did manage to wash most of the dirt off. I think it was only the second or third time that I had 4 people in my car. I have yet to actually fit 5 people in there, but I think it would be comfortable.

Once we finally got up near the trail head, we found a rock that was nice enough to hold the camera for us to take a group picture.
Then we kept driving a little further until we got to the campsite...

Right where the staircase rapids end, and Lake Cushman begin is a camp site, with a view of the edges of the Olympic Mountains. Here, you are just getting into the rain forest, and the real beauty on the peninsula starts to begins it's full strides.
This was the end of our journey this time, only because we spent so long getting there, we didn't actually have time to hike the trail at all... not that we would ever be able to reach the end of the trail in under a week... but still, it was neat to see the beginning of this great trail.
Here is a map of my weekend points of interest...
View Larger Map

Who is this you might ask? The newest member of the pack I guess you could say. When I got home on Saturday night, this little girl was at home waiting for me. Her name is Payal. She is really lovable, and pretty well potty trained for a 10 week old pug. Jaani is still jealous of her getting any attention, but the little guys is learning to get along with her.

We were all tired today. I was tuckered out from all my walking around yesterday, so today we took a nap together.
So, in short, it was good to have a weekend off. when you've sold your soul to Microsoft, you really start to appreciate your time off as much as you can.
so... that's all a wrote.