I changed the look of my blog. I was looking at the different templates they have for blogger, and I liked what I saw. I have also come to the conclusion that I want to customize my theme.
So far, my thought is, why re-invent the wheel?
So many themes that are really close to what I wan have been made. The only problem is that there is nobody reading my blog that needs the 800 pixle width. I suppose on my Nokia 770 I can only get that, and cell phones too, but I don't feel a need to market my blog toward the mobile device blog reader (mobders, I coined that term myself.)
So... I downloaded the source code for the templates that Google uses. It's an in-line style sheet, and I guess that is good. I am using the template for what becomes an approach to reverse engineer the data the template is organizing. I guess I haven't been spending much time on that lately. I spent the weekend researching the candidates running for president... and during the week I apply to jobs. My count so far is 59 applications and 24 interviews completed so far. I currently have 1 interview on Thursday and I am waiting to hear about another 2 interviews that I may be able to get by the end of the week. It is a hard job search this time around. I think I may just have to take a technical support job. I have turned a few down already, but I think I might have to stop being picky about what end of the technical industry I work in.
oh well, I guess that is what I get. I just have to keep looking though.