I posted the pictures from Susie's wedding HERE. I finished geo-tagging these pictures first because I didn't really have to remember where I took all the pictures. There were only three location... However, there are still a few that I didn't comment on... and the comments I put in under the pictures aren't really thought out. But the pictures are there.
It was a fun time, and choosing which pictures to put up was a real challenge (considering many pictures I had 2 or 3 copies of from three different cameras.)
I organized my album for my trip out, but I still haven't made it public/listed. I suppose if you could guess the totally systematic name I had for the album (2008MISummer) you might be able to find the album... but I will make it public once I at least get all the pictures geo-tagged.
So... Jaani and I went for a hike yesterday morning. We went up to Mt Si to hike the Little Si trail. It was very enjoyable. We went early (left here around 8am) so we could hike up, hang out at the top and eat lunch, then walk back down before noon. It was really nice, but when I got up there, I realized I had left my camera at home... So I will have to get some more Mt Si pictures some other time.
Now, I'm going to relax until things cool off outside. It's about 81 degrees and sunny today, with a cool breeze (8mph) off of Lake Washington to the North. Visibility outside is about 10 miles, but I can see Mt Rainier perfectly clear. My thermometer inside tells me it's about 77.9 degrees. With a 9pm sunset, that gives me about 6 hours until it's really cool outside.
I have been spending a lot of time at Jet City lately. The land owner is tearing down the building in the middle of August, which means the shop will close at the end of the month. With a little bit of luck Mike (one of the baristas currently at Jet City) will get his coffee shop opened up by then. Otherwise I might have to go to Big Foot, or B&J's, or one of those other little coffee stands... perhaps I'll just have to start walking across the street to get my coffee... or maybe that cupcake shop... without Jet City, there are just too many other coffee shops to choose from... I don't know what I'll do... I mean... I have 10 coffee shops within walking distance, but I really don't know how I would be able to choose from all of them.
Anyway... I guess if my worst problem is that I have too many coffee shops to choose from, I must be doing something right.
So, that's all for now. I quick update, and some pictures to look through.
If you missed the link above, the pictures are here.