So, the latest stats for the blog are in the picture. And what they show is that over the past year, I have seen visits, pageviews, pages/visit, and average time on the site increase among my readers.
I have also found that for the most part, not posting anything for nearly a month doesn't hurt my readership too much. However, because my bounce rate is higher, and the number of new visits is down it tells me that over time the performance of this blog is not the best. So it's a good thing I didn't quit my day job yet to become a professional blogger.
However, compared to my other blogs, the Frizzle Tech blog is showing an decrease in bounce rate, and an increase in new visits. Which demonstrates that a clear and consistent theme on the blog is important.
The Frizzlefry Web Watch blog has shown that people are interested in lists of videos that someone likes. So, by creating a blog that is entirely made up of Youtube and Hulu video content created by other people will show consistent growth over the long term.
The Three Wiredos blog has proven that a blog with no focus and two posts will have very few visitors, and a high bounce rate. The blog fizzled out before it even got going.
So, what have I learned? If your focus is to stay in touch with the surrounding community, distant family, and friends; your readership will remain consistant with the group of individuals who know you personally.
However, for a marketable blog that shows consistant growth and produces profit from advertisements, then you need to increase your readership by posting consistantly on a focused topic or at least a range of articles united by a common catagory.
So, there is the state of the blog.